Test: Danh sách các công cụ Test (Test Tools)

Người đăng: vuivengay on Thứ Hai, 9 tháng 3, 2015

1. Load and Performance Test Tools
+ Xceptance LoadTest 
+ SiteBlaster
+ Load-Intelligence
+ LoadStorm
+ BrowserMob
+ Load Impact
+ Pylot
+ AppLoader
+ fwptt
+ JCrawler
+ vPerformer
+ Curl-Loader
+ RealityLoad XF On-Demand Load Testing
+ StressTester
+ The Grinder
+ Proxy Sniffer
+ Testing Master
+ JKool Online
+ Funkload
+ Avalanche
+ Loadea
+ LoadManager
+ QEngine Performance Tester
+ NeoLoad
+ Test Complete Enterprise
+ QTest
+ Test Perspective Load Test
+ SiteTester1
+ httperf
+ NetworkTester
+ Visual Studio Team System Test Edition
+ OpenLoad
+ Apache JMeter
+ TestMaker
+ SiteStress
+ Siege
+ JBlitz
+ WebServer Stress Tool
+ Web Polygraph
+ OpenSTA
+ PureLoad
+ ApacheBench
+ Torture - Bare-bones Perl script by Lincoln Stein
+ WebSpray - Low-cost load testing tool from CAI Networks
+ eValid LoadTest - Web test tool from Software Research
+ WebPerformance Load Tester - Load test tool emphasizing ease-of-use, from WebPerformance Inc.
+ Optima Quality Studio
+ http-Load
+ QALoad
+ IBM Rational Performance Tester - Performance testing tool from IBM/Rational
+ SilkPerformer - Enterprise-class load-testing tool from Microfocus
+ Radview's WebLoad - Load testing tool from Radview Software.
Loadrunner - HP's

2. Java Test Tools
+ VisualVM
+ Cobertura
+ QCare
+ JProfiler
+ Parallel-junit
+ Hammurapi
+ TestNG
+ Concordian
+ DBUnit
+ StrutsTestCase
+ DDSteps
+ StrutsTestCase for JUnit
+ JavaNCSS
+ Open Source Profilers for Java
+ SofCheck Inspector
+ CodePro
+ Squish for Java
+ Klocwork
+ Coverity Prevent
+ GUIDancer
+ CMTJava
+ JavaCov
+ Jameleon
+ Agitator
+ JLint
+ Lint4j
+ FindBugs
+ CheckStyle
+ Java Development Tools
+ AppPerfect Test Studio
+ GJTester
+ QFTest
+ Cactus
+ JUnitPerf
+ Abbot Java GUI Test Framework
+ jfcUnit
+ JBench
+ Clover
+ JCover
+ Structure101
+ Java Tool Suite from Man Machine Systems - Includes JStyle
+ JProbe Suite
+ Krakatau Professional for Java
+ Jtest - ParaSoft's Jtest is an integrated.
+ DevPartner Java Edition - Debugging/productivity tool from Microfocus
+ VTune - Intel's performance tuning tool for applications running on Intel processors.
+ TCAT for Java - Part of Software Research's TestWorks suite of test tools
+ Open Source code analyzers listing - A listing of open source Java code analysis tools written in Java.
+ Open Source code coverage tools listing - A listing of open source Java code coverage tools written in Java.
+ Open Source Java test tools listing - A listing of open source tools and frameworks for Java testing, written in Java.
+ Open Source web test tools listing - A listing of open source web test tools and frameworks written in Java.

3. Link Checking Tools
+ LinkTiger
+ HiSoftware Link Validation Utility - Link validation tool
+ ChangeAgent
+ Link Checker Pro
+ Web Link Validator
+ Site Audit - Low-cost on-the-web link-checking service from Blossom Software.
+ Xenu's Link Sleuth - Freeware link checker by Tilman Hausherr
+ Linkalarm - Low cost on-the-web link checker from Link Alarm Inc.
+ Alert Linkrunner - Link check tool from Viable Software Alternatives
+ LinkScan
+ CyberSpyder Link Test - Shareware link checker by Aman Software

4. HTML Validators
+ RealValidator
+ HTML Validator
+ CSE 3310 HTML Validator

5. Free On-the-Web HTML Validators and Link Checkers
+ Site Check
+ Link Valet
+ Dead-Links.com
+ WDG HTML Validator
+ Web Page 'Purifier'
+ W3C HTML Validation Service
+ W3C CSS Validation Service
+ W3C Link Checker
+ Weblint Gateway
+ Web Page Backward Compatibility Viewer

6. PERL and C Programs for Validating and Checking
+ W3C Link Checker
+ Big Brother
+ LinkLint
+ MOMspider
+ HTMLchek for awk or perl

7. Web Functional/Regression Test Tools
+ Cloud Testing Service
+ SymbioTeam Lite
+ TestOptimal
+ WebUI Test Studio
+ Windmill
+ Ranorex Automation Framework
+ Celerity
+ Webrat - Ruby
+ CubicTest
Selenium Grid
+ Mechanize
+ Automation Anywhere
+ StoryTestIQ - StoryTestIQ (STIQ)
+ Web2Test
+ Watij
+ TestMaker
+ AutoMate - Automation platform from Network Automation
+ Automation Anywhere - Functional test automation tool from Tethys Solutions
+ Gomez RealityCheck XF
+ iMacros for Firefox
+ Avignon Acceptance Testing System
+ InCisif.Net
+ Sahi
+ Vermont HighTest Plus - Regression-testing tool from Vermont Creative Software
+ WebFT - Web-centric functional testing solution from Radview
+ Floyd - A Java library for automated testing of web applications
+ Imprimatur - Free web functional testing tool by Tony Locke
+ WET - Open source web testing tool that drives MSIE directly
+ SOASTA Concerto - A suite of visual tools for automated web functional and load testing from SOASTA, Inc.
+ Regression Tester
+ Yawet
+ vTest
+ SWExplorerAutomation
+ LISA for Web Apps
+ Squish for Web - Cross platform automated testing framework from Froglogic GmbH
+ Funkload - Web functional testing and load testing tool written in Python and distributed as free software under the GNU GPL.
+ WebCorder - Free GUI web testing tool from Crimson Solutions, developed in VB.
+ Watir - 'Web Application Testing in Ruby', a free open-source family of web automation libraries in Ruby.
+ WatiN - 'Web Application Testing in .Net', a free open-source tool, drives MSIE browser and checks results.
Selenium - Free open-source tool, originially from Thoughtworks.
+ PesterCat - Low cost web functional testing tool from PesterCat LLC.
+ IeUnit - IeUnit is an open-source simple framework to test logical behaviors of web pages, released under IBM's Common Public License.
+ QEngine - Automated testing tool from Zoho Corp.
+ AppPerfect DevSuite - Suite of testing, tuning, and monitoring products from AppPerfect Corp.
+ JStudio SiteWalker - Test tool from Jarsch Software Studio
+ Test Complete Enterprise - Automated test tool from AutomatedQA Corp.
+ actiWate - Java-based Web application testing environment from Actimind Inc.
+ WebInject - Open source tool in PERL
+ jWebUnit - Open source Java framework
+ SimpleTest - Open source unit testing framework
+ WinTask - Macro recorder from TaskWare
+ Canoo WebTest - Free Java Open Source tool for automatic functional testing of web applications.
+ TestSmith - Functional/Regression test tool from Quality Forge.
+ TestAgent - Capture/playback tool for user acceptance testing from Strenuus, LLC.
+ MITS.GUI - Unique test automation tool from Omsphere LLC
+ Badboy - Tool from Bradley Software to aid in building and testing dynamic web based applications.
+ SAMIE - Free tool designed for QA engineers - 'Simple Automated Module For Internet Explorer'.
+ PAMIE - Free open-source 'Python Automated Module For Internet Explorer'
+ PureTest - Free tool from Minq Software AB, includes an HTTP Recorder and Web Crawler.
+ Solex - Web application testing tool built as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE (an open, extensible IDE).
+ QA Wizard Pro - Automated functional test tool for web, windows, and java applications from Seapine Software.
+ HttpUnit - from SourceForge.net/Open Source Development Network, designed and implemented by Russell Gold.
+ iOpus Internet Macros - Macro recorder utility from iOpus Inc.
+ MaxQ - Free open-source web functional testing tool from Tigris.org
+ TestDrive-Gold - Test tool from Original Software Group Ltd.
+ TestPartner - Automated software testing tool from Microfocus (formerly from Compuware)
+ WebKing - Web site functional, load, and static analysis test suite from ParaSoft.
+ eValid - Web functional test tool from Software Research Inc.
+ Rational Functional Tester - IBM's (formerly Rational's)
+ QuickTest Pro - Functional/regression test tool from HP (formerly Mercury)
+ SilkTest - Functional test tool from Microfocus (formerly from Borland, formerly from Segue)

8. Web Site Security Test Tools
+ Powerfuzzer - Open source automated customizable Web fuzzer
+ SecPoint Penetrator - Site/network security testing tool from SecPoint ApS
+ Netsparker
+ ZeroDayScan
+ Fortify 360
+ OWASP Security Testing Tools
+ Retina Web Security Scanner - Vulnerability scanning tool from eEye Inc.
+ Hailstorm - Automated web security testing tool from Cenzic Inc.
+ GamaSec
+ Wikto
+ Nikto Scanner
+ HP WebInspect
+ AppScan
+ Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner
+ Defensics Core Internet Test Suite
+ Perimeter Check
+ Core Impact Pro
+ C5 Compliance Platform
+ Snort
+ SecurityMetrics Appliance
+ Nessus
+ Security Center
+ SARA - 'Security Auditor's Research Assistant' Unix-based security analysis tool from Advanced Research Corp.
+ Qualys Free Security Scans - Several free security scan services from Qualys, Inc.
+ GFiLANguard - Network vulnerability and port scanner, patch management and network auditing tool from GFI Software.
+ Qualys Guard - Online service that does remote network security assessments
+ PatchLink Scan
+ Secure-Me - Automated security test scanning service from Broadbandreports.
+ SAINT - Security Administrator's Integrated Network Tool
+ NMap Network Mapper - Free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing
+ NetIQ Security Analyzer - Multi-platform vulnerability scanning and assessment product.
+ Foundstone - Vulnerability management software tools from McAfee
+ CERIAS Security Archive - Purdue University's 'Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security' site
+ StopBadware Vulnerability Scanner list
+ OWASP Security Testing Tools Listing
+ Top 100 Security Tools

9. External Site Monitoring Services
+ IP-label.newtest
+ Techout - Measure and optimize speed and availability of critical online applications.
+ 100Pulse - Online Website Monitoring service from HIOX Web Services
+ EZ Web Site Monitoring
+ Uptime Party - Web server monitoring for small business or personal web sites.
+ Watchmouse - Site monitoring service includes website preformance monitoring
+ SiteUpTime - Basic plan for monitoring one web site is free
+ Panopta Advanced Server Monitoring
+ Pingdom - Server
+ Site 24x7
+ WebSitePulse
+ SiteMorse
+ Gomez Webperform
+ eXternalTest
+ Site Notifier
+ Global Up Time
+ internetVista
+ Host Tracker
+ AppMonitor
+ Dotcom-Monitor
+ Vertain Monitoring Service
+ AlertBot - Monitoring service from InfoGenius, Inc.
+ WebSitePulse
+ 1stMonitor
+ SiteTechnician
+ WatchOur.com
+ AlertSite
+ elkMonitor
+ AlertMeFirst
+ PureAgent
+ Dotcom-Monitor - External website monitoring/alerting/load testing service from Dana Consulting.
+ SiteGuardian - Site monitoring solution provides 24x7 monitoring of downtime, user experience, and application problems.
+ Patrol Express - Service from BMC
+ WatchDog - Online website tracking and monitoring services from MyComputer.com
+ SiteScope - HP's (formely Mercury's) hosted Web-based monitoring service
+ Keynote Application Perspective - Hosted performance and availability monitoring services and root cause diagnostics from Keynote Systems.

10. Web Site Management Tools
+ 4Webcheck - Site monitoring and utilities application from Bibase Software
+ BigEasy CMS - Content management system from Bold Endeavours Group Ltd.
+ Test Anywhere - Web and application GUI test autoamtion tool from Automation Anywhere.
+ Webmaster Toolkit - Collection of 35 free tools and utilities useful to webmasters
+ Webriq - Web-based site management and editing tool with drag and drop capabilities, from Webriq
+ A1 Website Analyzer - Website analyzer and link checker from Microsys
+ BrowserCMS - Web content management system from BrowserMedia LLC
+ Errorlytics - Site management service/plugin from Errorlytics/Accession Media, LLC
+ eValid Site Analysis - Site analysis, mapping, and page tuning tool from Software Research Inc.
+ SortSite - Tool from Electrum Solutions that checks pages against W3C and IETF standards
+ DeepTrawl - Site management tool from Deep Cognition Ltd.
+ Atomic Watch - Site monitoring software from Info-Pack.com
+ TruWex - Site management tool from Erigami Ltd.
+ CMS400.net - Web site content management tool from Ektron Inc.
+ WSOP - Website load time testing and optimization tool from SoftLogica LLC
+ TrueView - Web management suite from Symphoniq Corp.
+ WebWatchBot - Web site monitoring, notification, and analysis tool for web sites and IP Devices, from ExclamationSoft Inc.
+ Savvy Content Manager - Content management tool from Savvy Software Inc.
+ Introscope - Web performance monitoring tool from Wily Technology
+ WebCEO - Tool from WebCEO.com
+ RealiTea - Web application management solution from TeaLeaf Technology Inc.
+ PROGNOSIS - Comprehensive tool from Integrated Research Ltd.
+ RedDot CMS - Web content managment system from RedDot Solutions includes modules such as SmartEdit
+ Cuevision Network Monitor - Monitoring tool from Cuevision
+ GFI Network Server Monitor - Server management tool from GFI Software Ltd.
+ Web Site Monitoring - Performance Monitoring
+ ContentStudio - E-catalog management tool from TechniCon Systems
+ SpinPike - Flexible and scalable content management system from SavvyBox Systems
+ Constructioner - Website development software with integrated content management system from Artware Multimedia GmbH.
+ CrownPeak CMS
+ WebLight - HTML validator and link checking tool from Illumit LLC.
+ Trellian InternetStudio - Suite of web site management utilities from Trellian
+ Documentum - Enterprise content management product from EMC Corp.
+ Serena Collage - Content management tool from Serena
+ FlexWindow - Tool from Digital Architects B.V.
+ Alchemy Eye - System management tool from Alchemy Lab
+ Web500 CMS - Web content management and site maintenance solution from Web500.
+ HTML Rename - Site Migration/Batch processing tool from Expandable Language
+ IPCheck Server Monitor - Server monitoring tool from Paessler AG.
+ Oracle Universal Content Management System - Content management tool formerly from Stellent, now Oracle.
+ Rhythmyx Content Manager - Web content management product from Percussion Software
+ Content Management Server - Windows based content mgmt tool from Microsoft (formerly 'nResolution' from nCompass Labs).
+ Broadvision - Suite of content and publishing management tools from Broadvision Inc.
+ HP OpenView Internet Services - Internet services monitoring/management tool from HP
+ HTML-Kit - Free, full-featured editor from Chami.com
+ IBM Workplace Web Content Management - IBM's
+ WebCheck - Windows application from Peregrine Software
+ WS_FTP Pro - FTP/web publishing tool from Ipswitch
+ A1Monitor - Utility from A1Tech for monitoring availability of web servers.
+ AgentWebRanking - Freeware tool from AADSoft
+ WebSite Director - Web-content workflow management system from CyberTeams Inc.
+ Equalizer - Load balancing server appliance and site management tool from Coyote Point Systems.
+ WebTrends - Web site management tools from Webtrends Inc.
+ XMetal - XML development tool from Justsystems, Inc.
+ Interwoven Team Site
+ Macromedia Contribute - Adobe's (formerly Macromedia's)
+ Site/C - 'Set-and-forget' utility from Robomagic Software
+ PowerMapper - From Electrum Multimedia
+ SiteScope - HP's (formerly Mercury's) product for agentless site monitoring and maintenance.
+ HTML PowerTools - HTML validator, global search-and-replace.
+ OpenDeploy - Interwoven's configurable control system
+ Vignette Content Management - Vignette Corporation's products
+ Microsoft FrontPage - Microsoft's web site authoring and site management tool; includes site management capabilities, link checking, etc.
+ HomeSite - A lean, code-only editor for web development from Adobe (formerly Macromedia).
+ NetObjects Fusion - Site authoring/management tool from WebSite Pros Inc.

11. Log Analysis Tools
+ DMOZ Log Analysis Tools List - DMOZ open directory project's lists of open source and commercial log analysis tools.

12. Other Web Test Tools
+ MITE - Free version of MITE, from Keynote Systems Inc.
+ DeviceAnywhere - Mobile handset testing platform from MobileComplete
+ Gomex Active Mobile XF
+ BrowserSeal - Multi browser website screenshot tool
+ LiteTest
+ System Shephard - An IT Performance Monitoring and Operations Management Platform for web and other systems
+ Spydermate
+ Twill
+ Firefox Web Testing Add-ons
+ Web Testing Plugin collection
+ UTE - Automated 'usability testing environment' from Mind Design Systems, Inc.
+ Venkman Javascript Debugger - Firefox extension
+ XPather Firefox add-on by Viktor Zigo.
+ FlexMonkey - A testing framework for Flex apps
+ UnmaskParasites
+ TestArmy - TestArmy provides cheap access to a large, flexible base of testers with a wide range of hardware.
+ Rasta - Rasta is a keyword-driven open source test framework by Hugh McGowan
+ File Comparators - Web testing - or any type of testing - often involves verification of data vs expected data.
+ TMX - Keyword driven test automation product from Critical Logic
+ Google's Website Optimizer - Google's service
+ YSlow - Free open source tool analyzes web pages and explains why they're slow based on rules for high performance web sites.
+ ItsNat - Open source Java AJAX component
+ HTT - Open source scriptable HTTP test tool for testing and benchmarking web apps and for HTTP server development.
+ Gomez Instant Site Test - Free online web page analysis from Gomez.com
+ Web Page Analyzer - Free online website performance tool and page speed analysis from Website Optimization.
+ HTTPWatch - An HTTP viewer and debugger plugin
+ IBM Rational Policy Tester Accessibility Edition
+ IBM Rational Policy Tester Privacy Edition
+ TextTrust
+ WireShark - Network protocol analyzer available under the GNU General Public License.
+ TPTest
+ BWMeter - Bandwidth meter, monitor and traffic controller
+ Fiddler - HTTP Debugging Proxy which logs all HTTP traffic between your computer and the Internet.
+ HTTP Interceptor
+ Expecco - A component based, modular test and quality assurance platform from eXept Software AG
+ Aptixia IxLoad - Highly scalable, integrated test solution from Ixia Inc.
+ Internet Explorer Developer Toolbar - Microsoft add-on for IE that includes some tools for that can be useful for web testing.
+ Web Service Scheduler
+ Chickenfoot
+ WebAii - Free web testing automation infrastructure from ArtOfTest Inc.
+ sketchPath - Free XPath Editor and XML analysis and testing tool by Phil Fearon
+ soapUI - A free, open source desktop application from Eviware Software AB
+ SOAPscope Server - Web services test tool from Mindreef Inc.
+ LISA for Web Services/SOAP - Web services/SOAP test tool from iTKO, Inc.
+ Parasoft SOAtest - Scriptless web services test tool from Parasoft.
+ QEngine
+ Fault Factory - API-level fault injection tool from from Extradata Technologies
+ XML-Simulator - Black-box test tool from Elvior
+ Tools4Internet - Free on-the-web tools
+ Firebug - Open source add-on tool
+ GH Tester - Middleware test automation tool, from Green Hat Consulting Limited
+ Filemon - Free tool from Microsoft monitors and displays Windows file system activity on a system in real-time.
+ AceLive - Tool from OpNet Technologies Inc.
+ Charles
+ Paessler Site Inspector - A web browser that combines MSIE and Mozilla/Gecko into one program
+ CookiePie Firefox Extension
+ Broken Link Preventer - Link checker that reports on broken links.
+ JsUnit - An open-source unit testing framework for client-side (in-browser) JavaScript in the tradition of the XUnit frameworks
+ WebPerformance Analyzer - Web development analysis tool from WebPerformance Inc.
+ Eclipse TPTP Testing Tools Project - TPTP (Test & Performance Tools Platform)
+ Test Architect - Keyword-driven test automation tool from LogiGear
+ Networking and Server Test Utilities - Small collection of web server and other test utilities provided by hq42.net.
+ Morae - Usability test tool for web sites and software, from TechSmith Corp.
+ AutoTestFlash - Freeware tool by Tiago Simoes for recording and playing back UI Tests in flash applications.
+ Repro
+ TestGen
+ EngineViewer and SiteTimer - Free basic services: EngineViewer.
+ Fiddler - An HTTP Debugging tool by Eric Lawrence. Acts as an HTTP Proxy running on port 8888 of local PC.
+ FREEping - Free ping software utility from Tools4ever
+ IP Traffic Test and Measure - Network traffic simulation and test tool from Omnicor Corp.
+ VisitorVille - Site traffic monitoring tool from World Market Watch Inc.
+ Sandra - 'System ANalyser, Diagnostic and Reporting Assistant' utility from SiSoftware.
+ Deque
+ Browser Cam - Service from Gomez Inc.
+ Dummynet - Flexible tool developed by Luigi Rizzo
+ HTTP Interceptor - A real-time HTTP protocol analysis and troubleshooting tool from AllHTTP.com.
+ SpySmith - Simple but powerful diagnostic tool from Quality Forge
+ Co-Advisor - Tool from The Measurement Factory
+ PocketSOAP - Packet-capture tool by Simon Fell, with GUI
+ TcpTrace - Tool by Simon Fell acts as a relay between client and server for monitoring packet data.
+ ProxyTrace - Tool by Simon Fell
+ tcptrace - Tool written by Shawn Ostermann
+ MITS.Comm - Tool from Omsphere LLC
+ XML Conformance Test Suite - XML conformance test suites from W3C and NIST
+ Certify - Test automation management tool from WorkSoft, Inc.
+ HiSoftware AccVerify
+ HiSoftware Web Site Monitor - From HiSoftware Inc.
+ Web Optimizer - Web page optimizing tool from Visionary Technologies
+ Team Remote Debugger - Debugging tool from Spline Technologies
+ Datatect - Test data generator from Banner Software
+ Triometric Performance Analyzer Suite - Suite of software protocol analyzers from Triometric
+ WebBug - Debugging tool from Aman Software
+ WebMetrics - Web usability testing and evaluation tool suite from U.S. Govt. NIST.
+ MRTG - Multi Router Traffic Grapher - free tool by Tobi Oetiker

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